COMMUNITY SERVICE - Learning in and outside the Classroom

ScRoll Down for Arizona Service Learning Trip Information

  • Community Garden and Food Needs in Their communities

    The Brookland Park Community Garden is hosted on school property and provides community growing plots, a greenhouse, fruit tree orchards, and pollinator gardens. Students conduct experiments on the property, grow produce for distribution, and are actively involved with the upkeep and maintenance of the garden. Student leaders in the Environmental Club/ Interact Club help to manage activities in the space.

  • Camping and Field Research on the DELMARVA Peninsula

    Each year the entire Freshman class and incoming students in other classes attend an environmental research camping trip for a week. Students learn about camping and self-sufficiency away from electronics. They learn about the DelMarVa waterways and watershed and conduct research such as water and soil testing to determine the health of the environment.

  • Student work in the Guatemalan Highlands

    In June of 2023, RCHS and Open High School students traveled to the highlands of Guatemala to build stoves and learn about the indigenous Mayan people. Students raised the funds to cover the cost of the trip as a group. We learned about resiliency, economic realities, and families whose lives are interconnected with the land, plants and animals around them.

    In 2024 a trip is being planned to provide service with the White Mountain Apache Tribe of Arizona. Students will assist with the building of bioswales and learn more about first American culture.

The Study of Deep Ecology centers around the Interconnected nature of all things - humans, animals, plants, and the earth. Students learn in the classroom and through service about interrelations in Bio-diversity, Indigenous peoples and their cultures, community resiliency, and the challenges facing us all.

Important Documents -WhiTE Mountain Apache Tribe Service Learning Trip

Interact Club - sponsored by the Rotary Club

RCHS is the first school in the area to be chosen as an interact club.

What is Interact?

Interact clubs are sponsored by area Rotary clubs. Every year, Interactors complete at least two projects in their communities, one of which is international or in another US location.

Our club is focused around environmental stewardship and service to disadvantaged groups. Through interact students will:

  • Develop leadership skills

  • Demonstrate helpfulness and respect for others

  • Understand the value of individual responsibility and hard work

  • Advance international understanding and goodwill